CBD the Fight Against Anxiety

A survey by the World Health Organization (WHO) showed that almost 19 million Brazilians live with chronic anxiety symptoms, such as fear, apprehension and nervousness. With the pandemic, 80% of the population became even more anxious, according to a study by the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS). How to deal with it?

Some tools are usually indicated to combat anxiety, such as physical exercise and meditation, but in some cases it may be necessary to use specific drugs; and products based on cannabidiol (CBD) can help combat anxiety, having advantages over drugs available in the market.


CBD works on a few fronts to combat anxiety. It is believed that factors such as stress can create a shortage of the body’s natural endocannabinoids and affect the healthy growth of brain cells, which could be restored through the use of the substance.

Research has indicated that the anxiety-fighting effects of CBD come from its interactions with the CB1 receptor and the 5-HT1ARs, serotonin receptors, in the brain region. Serotonin is responsible for controlling mood and feelings of happiness. Some drugs also bind to this receptor to combat anxiety. The difference is that CBD is a natural, non-addictive anxiolytic.

The effects of CBD in combating anxiety reflexes such as social phobia, panic syndrome, obsessive compulsive disorder, and post-traumatic stress syndrome have been increasingly observed in studies. In addition, the use of cannabidiol can help treat pain caused by muscle stiffness after an anxious day. Insomnia is another symptom that is relieved with use.


Several researches have been done to study the effects of CBD use in fighting anxiety. One of them was carried out at the Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina de Ribeirão Preto in partnership with the Faculdade de Ciências Farmacêuticas de Ribeirão Preto.

In this case, a group of people diagnosed with Social Anxiety Disorder (SAD) was separated. The group was divided in two, and part of them received 600mg of cannabidiol and the other part received placebo. Then all participants had to prepare a speech of a few minutes to be read in front of a camera. A considerable reduction in anxiety was observed in those who received the CBD dose.

Another research conducted in the United States showed that pre-clinical evidence robustly demonstrated the efficacy of the use in reducing various anxiety symptoms.

Last year, the Brazilian Association for the Support of Hemp Hope (Abrace) even initiated the first stage of a study to evaluate the impact of CBD in the treatment of acute and chronic stress symptoms in front-line health professionals in covid-19. The research has been validated by the Ethics Committee on Human Research of the Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC), involving 300 doctors and nurses.


At USA Hemp there are a number of products that can help combat the symptoms of anxiety, all of the highest quality, from seed to final product. There are oils, gels, creams, capsules, and even bath bombs that help release tension and relax the senses.

In one of the largest farms in the United States, the hemp grown by USA Hemp is grown without pesticides or toxic chemicals, which makes all the difference in the effects caused in the body, as we have already explained here on the blog. Check out the product portfolio and talk to your doctor if you need help to fight anxiety.

For more information about CBS Oils, please visit NHW for further information.

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